Homemade Cream Cheese
There’s nothing like homemade cream cheese. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the difference, especially if you follow this homemade cream cheese recipe.
- Place cream from milk into quart jar. If you’re using store bought cream you should use one pint.
- Add 1/16 tsp Mesophilic culture and stir well.
- Cover the jar and leave on the counter at room temperature for 12 to24 hrs, or until cream is thick just like sour cream, in fact when it is ready, this thicken cream IS sour cream!
- Place cheesecloth over colander that is sitting inside large bowl or pot.
- Remove the thick sour cream from the quart jar right into the cheesecloth. Wrap up the cheesecloth and either hang freely to drain the whey and butter milk from the sour cream.
- The longer is drains the dryer the cheese will be. Allow approx 8 to 12 hours of drying time.
- Remove cream cheese from the cheese cloth and add spices, herbs, natural sweeteners to your taste preference.